
World Alzheimer Day

21 September is World Alzheimer Day. This year, Mission Lucidity and the Laboratory for Cognitive Neurology, led by Prof. Rik Vandenberghe (see photo), joined forces to raise public awareness of Alzheimer's disease.

We baked and sold over 600 cupcakes, all in support of the Belgian Alzheimer Research Foundation (Stichting Alzheimer Onderzoek). Our young researchers also highlighted several ongoing studies at our information booth in the entrance hall of UZ Leuven.

The Laboratory for Cognitive Neurology investigates what goes wrong in cognitive disorders. They mostly study the living human brain using imaging with PET and fMRI scans, but also look at disease processes in more detail in donated human brain tissue. The researchers are very grateful to all patients and healthy people who participate in their studies or choose to donate their brain after death, thereby making crucial contributions to the improvement of diagnoses and the development of new therapies.

Prof Rik Vandenberghe