
World Alzheimer Week 2022

The week of 21st September is World Alzheimer Week. Together with the Leuven Brain Institute, we wanted to help raise awareness and inform the general public about the latest scientific and clinical insights. We hosted two lectures by Alzheimer's experts Prof. Bart De Strooper and Prof. Rik Vandenberghe. They spoke about what fundamental research has taught us so far about the causes of the disease, the long and ongoing search for a cure, and the current clinical practice.

The lectures were followed by a reception, where everyone had the opportunity to share personal experiences or ask pressing questions.

Attendees also got a chance to buy two books written and signed by the Professors on this topic: 'Tegen het vergeten' (Prof. De Strooper) and 'Het geheugenlabyrint' (Prof. Vandenberghe).

Watch the recorded talks (in Dutch)

Lectures for World Alzheimer Week 2022